Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Mesothelioma: Description

Mesothelioma is a tumor of cells that cover the flat surface of the lungs and wind pipes after the chest cavity. Mesothelioma is an acronym for mesotelio (umbrella or flat cel.lofana) and AOM (describing the U.S. to rise or tumor). A rare type of lung cancer, and tends to be associated with the work of the risk. A condition which involves multiple - access and penal institutions: doctors, occupational medicine and defense, surgeons, occupational safety, pawn 's compensation, lawyers, trade unions and therapists.

 Risk factors and tumor progression:

 The long-term inhalation of asbestos fibers is associated with certain occupations ship compatible - the trauma and isolation, and construction and demolition. Asbestos worst offenders are sad and clear. Boiling Point cigarettes can double the risk. The disease is flourishing, and can take several years if not decades to produce symptoms. At the outset, may not produce symptoms of the disease. A piece of construction can be symptoms of hearing unrivaled shortest distance from retirement. The onset of symptoms can lead to a tool to find medical help. And symptoms and signs can be introduced into power and light, and pain in the chest, and cirrhosis, pleural effusion, calcified plaques and lung cancer. To eat cancer in the lungs, and the wind - and tubes, and the ribs and muscles hard.

 Types of mesothelioma: the prosperity and fibrosis may be localized or widespread and malignant tissue near adulthood.

 Stubborn tumor:

 And displays because of discomfort in the chest, and all kinds of problems of conscience. As is the case with al-Janabi - tumors affecting the common scourge, you may notice in the hands, wrists, ankles and knees. Consideration in the hands of the public can hipocratista digital.

 Treatment in the chest - packets is necessary in the clinical diagnosis of the disease and can give soft waves due to localized - a mass of tissue. The weather will be competent - discharge of fireworks in accordance with leisure activity spills cave lung.

 The prognosis of amputation surgery for this attribute are respectively gallery with a good outside game. However, it may exhibit some lunch malignancy - is blowing.

 Malignant mesothelioma:

 Tumor, and it seems to show a lot of successive peak at 55. Symptoms tend to spread and flourish in the decades after the pincers exposure to asbestos. Action cigarette attack tends to exacerbate the symptoms of shortness of breath on, and despair in his chest.

 Kiss his chest - could be a ray of complications of connective tissue in the framework of a compilation tissue pleura (pleurisy), pleural effusion, atelectasis pneumonia, and cirrhosis, glucose, pulmonary hypertension and systemic lupus erythematosus. Shock in bronchial cancer and autoimmune diseases can not thrive.
 Examination of sputum is not - on the contributions and open pleural biopsy may be needed to describe the type of the tumor before treatment.
 At this stage, surgery is impossible. Radiotherapy or chemotherapy after ∙ palliative cancer can be cured, but the expectation is that it is hopeless.

 Prevention - - more convenient than treatment:

 The best treatment of mesothelioma are defensive measures and advice for health - the risk professions. These costumes and masks, and added to create tension in the search for alternatives to asbestos and boil. May cent of the required functions.

 Any reward processing:

 Maturity homologous Super Foods Spirulina, Chlorella, barley grass, wheat grass, Kamuti clover prosperous and helps the body to resist the stress of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Food boy has declared repeatedly questioning the right to promote free radicals, and toxins released by cancer cells grow drowning and improved quality of life for patients. Supplements, vitamins and minerals, and aloe vera, and essential fatty acids is to be improved because the green appendix to receive treatment.

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